Partial Hand Prosthesis

Jason’s dream was to return to flying his plane. He was born with a congenital limb difference, he gave up due to it being difficult flying with just his right hand. We helped make his …

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Ottobock C-Leg

The C-Leg was the first prosthesis system to intelligently control and adapt to an individual’s gait. To do this, the C-Leg uses microprocessor-controlled hydraulics, which adapt dynamically to all walking speeds in real time. The …

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What are K-Levels?

K-levels are a rating system used by Medicare to indicate an amputee’s rehabilitation potential. The system is a rating from 0 through 4 and it indicates a person’s potential to use a prosthetic device. K-level …

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BK (Below Knee Prosthesis)

Every prosthetic device is custom designed and tailored to each individual. We take pride in using light-weight cutting-edge materials and our own innovative designs in order to provide an optimal fit to every individual patient. 

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